
Many of my dreams have come through this past year and I believe part of the reason is that I am finally in a place where I feel deserving of having and living my dreams. I recognize, honor and celebrate my dreams come true and I want you to, also!Perhaps the blessings were present for me all along, for all of us; but we must be willing and ready to accept ourselves as worthy of living great lives. When we embrace that we are READY NOW to fully live our greatest potential, when we commit to our deepest desires, we begin to live the life we want!Are You Ready?How will YOU make 2017 your best year ever?It’s not what we do, so much as getting out of our own way that allows us to create the change we want to be.Is it really that simple to let go of what holds us back?How do we give it up? We just do it. No bargaining, no but and what ifs; and stop waiting for that person to apologize to move on. Without relying on external influences, we direct our life through mindset and empowered personal decisions.Here are a couple easy steps to letting things go everyday:

  1. Acknowledge what is no longer serving you and vow to let it go.
  2. Make amends with, or say goodbye to those with whom you must in order to move on your own path.
  3. Change the way you speak. Not I should or I have to BUT I would like to, I get to and I want to. The way we speak about what we do affects our experiences and our commitment to sustainable change (i.e. the outcome)!

If all else fails tape a bunch of sticky notes to your mirror or refrigerator to inspire you. Here are some examples of good mantras that never go out of style:One Size Fits All!I Chose the Present MomentI am JoyfulI Shine BrightlyMy Journey Belongs to MeI am a Force for GoodI Follow My BlissNow for some ACTION!Here is an exercise you can do to jump start a year full of intention and purposeful action:You can use candles outside or a fire in a fireplace or pit. If you don’t want to burn anything, you can simply shred or tear up the paper.Doing this with your family and/or friends is awesome. It’s great to have a witness and an accountability buddy to support you in your intentions. On a piece of paper write down everything you are ready to give up RIGHT NOW.Don’t Censor!NOT what you would like to or what you think you should give up or even what you will give up within the next couple months. RIGHT NOW, no crap! The list can be short or long, just make sure it’s real and specific.This Is Your Life. It’s Urgent.NOT I will give up my bad habits, BUT, I quit smoking for good. I stop going to happy hour every day after work and I won’t eat ice cream for breakfast. The more specific you are, even if it makes you squirm to say it, the more power it has over you. Now is the time to face what no longer serves you and say goodbye: read your list out loud to yourself in a mirror, or better yet in front of friends/family/therapist/neighbor, whoever will help hold you accountable.Use these words before you start the list:I am ready, NOW, to let go of…(smoking, overeating, being unkind to myself…)Then burn, tear or shred the list.Next: declare out loud with your friend, family member (accountability buddy) or to yourself in the mirror what you commit to for 2017.If you need to write your intentions down, that is fine, but definitely declare them out loud, as well.The wording here:I commit to __________ in 2017.Final step. With an assertive voice and rock star posture, stand up and make a declaration statement of being that you embody in the new year (and beyond)!I Am ___________ (Loving, Free, Happy, Inspiring…).Let it fit and let it stick (even if you don’t completely believe it right now); begin the process of embodying this new way of being by declaring, in the affirmative, I am.This thoughtful, mindful practice allows you to consciously, purposefully and intentionally direct you to a new way of being, not just doing.It is my belief that New Years Day is just as arbitrary as Arbor Day. You can start your new year at any moment of any day of the year. Considering there is so much commercial and societal hype around this time of year, I thought I’d join in, but in my personal and professional practice, we check in with our intentions and personal declarations all year long. If they continue to fit and guide us, we empower and re-assert them, if they no longer serve us, we re-commit to new statements of self-determination!ENJOY and please let me know how this works for you!My intentions for 2017:

  • To let love, kindness and joy be my primary expressions.
  • To play more and worry less.
  • To be a source of inspiration, support and guidance for my clients, friends and family.
  • To collaborate with other nonprofits and women leaders in business to positively impact more women and girls in social entrepreneurship.
  • To continue to eat a primarily plant-based diet (with occasional flexibility and spontaneity as a guest during world travel – never know when I might be offered an irresistible insect, *wink).
  • To be a more present, loving and available mother and wife.
  • To celebrate fitness through fun, active and engaging daily exercise!
  • To continue to support social-justice and equality movements world-wide, animal rights and ecological movements and speak up for those who don’t have the advantages to be seen and heard.

What I look forward to in 2017.

  1. Our Wellfit Girls leadership program expansion and taking the groups to Peru in June.
  2. Adventuring to Austria with friends this summer and kiteboarding around the country in Akela Grey (our Sprinter van).
  3. Serving my clients in private practice, groups, workshops, adventures and through my writing.
  4. Wellfit Women’s Paddleboard, Yoga, Fitness and Kitesurf camp to Baja in March and Women’s Transformational Wellness Journey to Peru in June.
  5. Skiing with my girls and watching them get comfortable cruising around the mountains.

If anyone would like an accountability buddy or someone to declare to via text, Skype, phone or email, PLEASE reach out to me!When we support each other in our efforts, we create a powerful, sustainable web of exponential growth!As always, 30 minute consultations are free to determine if coaching or counseling is right for you! Having the right partner makes all the difference in sustaining the change you want to be.In loving kindness,Jill


Cuba Becoming in the American Eye


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You