Wellfit Girls
Wellfit Girls Empowers Teen Girls To Climb High In All Areas Of Life
Wellfit Girls is committed to providing unique and meaningful leadership, fitness and empowerment programs for teen girls in Collier and Lee County. Our comprehensive youth development model is designed to build resiliency and deepen relationships with youth through fitness & leadership training, community service, cultural immersion experiences, outdoor adventures & experiential learning opportunities. Girls have the choice to participate in programs for as short as three weeks or as long as four years and beyond.
Each program concludes with a domestic expedition that guides teens through a combination of physical, mental and interpersonal challenges designed to prepare them to overcome past, present and future obstacles. The struggles they will experience on the mountain will correlate to life struggles they may currently have or may have in future years. They will learn they can accomplish anything they put their mind to. The goal is to inspire and empower each girl while nurturing and developing each girl’s individual leadership style. We are building strong women to be our future leaders. We believe you cannot have transformation without tension.
Each program is designed to help girls overcome self-esteem issues and learn coping mechanisms as well as social entrepreneurship, leadership and communication skills. The girls workout with a personal trainer, learn yoga and have weekly leadership sessions. The girls are asked to dig deep in terms of who they are now and the person they want to become. The idea is that you are not BORN a warrior, but you GROW into one!