Kind Words

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“Jill uses her experience, and imagination to combine nature with community, in which our authentic self shines. Her Socratic method of coaching, is both challenging and playful, creating powerful transformations from nature to self with every adventure leaving the individual and community in a better place.”

- John Minerva, CEO of Executive Electronics

“I attended the Wellfit on the Water retreat in Naples in May, and although it was just a couple of days, I found the experience to be lasting and deeply affecting. The best part was meeting the diverse group of dynamic women who also attended—there was a lot of camaraderie and bonding going on. I highly recommend WellFit’s programs, all fun and good for you.”

- Kat S.

“Warrior One was received by our community with cheers and tears of joy. Jill is an amazing woman, providing a once in a lifetime opportunity to teens, and have no doubt, every young woman who got to meet Jill and experience this journey, will go on to do things they would never have dreamed they were capable of, because of this experience.”

- Tobi Jo Greene, The Girls Empowerment Workshops

"The most significant impact the trek and hike up Machu Picchu had on me was once we were on the top of Machu Picchu Mountain after the long 3 day hike and the almost impossible endless flight of rock stairs up Machu Picchu, I realized I can do anything... anything I wanted bad enough and worked hard for, I can do it."

- Courtney Edwards, Wellfit Girls 2015

"As I stood on the peak of the mountain and threw the rock over the edge I let go of who and what was holding me back from reaching my full potential as a leader and a friend. I couldn’t have made it through the journey without the love and support of all my Wellfit sisters."

- Kristen Chadwick, Wellfit Girls 2015